Thursday, June 3, 2010

custom essays, Crashers Written essays by Dana Haynes

By Cy Hilterman

WOW! (MysteriEs-ThrillErs)What an airplane and roller(MysteRies-ThrilleRs) coaster ride, both at the same time. Dana Haynes has written a terrific story by telling the reader about the crash of a large airliner and how the many people that form the group called "Crashers" gather from all over the United States to investigate thoroughly such a crash. At first this was not thought of as a terrorist act so the group does its thing as they do for a normal crash complete investigation (if any airplane crash could be normal).You as the reader are in every part of this trip from finding each specialist in their field of airplanes to the gathering of every piece of evidence regarding the plane, the crew, the manufacturers, and the passengers. Some may be out of the country but they are summoned quickly as every minute is so important in any crash investigation. You also are with the terrorists as you learn how they brought this plane down and their plans for more crashes for reasons you learn later in the book.Crashers Written essays by Dana Haynes

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